Plateau of Paradise Hold Below, you see: You stand outside in the warm tropical outdoors of Paradise Island. Around you, the tenderly cared for gardens, full of fragrant and beautiful flowers and herbs. Here you see several rock huts, built of the black rock found here on Paradise island. These Huts house the extended family and friends that live here on this island. Leading from this garden filled courtyard is a trail that forks and leads to either the Main Gardens, or to the Common Hut, housing the kitchen and relaxation area. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth drifts slightly northward as D'thon peers in that direction. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Silvery grey darkens the horizon as thread descends, approaching Paradise Island. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Lazeth rumbles a flame-muffled grunt at he sees the leading edge of Threadfall. He slows, almost hovering, watching it approach. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Hoth's neck, Tatianna guides Hoth carefully, watching the thread approach so very, very quietly. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth turns his head back toward his rider. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Lounging between Odeleth's meridian neckridges, Pita doesn't waste there merest of moments, her roving gaze slung upwards, to the sky; narrow narrow narrow, her gaze slits, spying the gathered clouds above. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Crosswinds buffet the threads, tossing them downward and across and in all directions as the leading edge reaches the wings. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A long snaking filament of thread descends towards Odeleth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A large sheet of thread is singed quickly by a wingleader. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Dharmath soars powerfully, his metallic hide glinting, in from the Paradise Cove Beach. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth's eyes whirl deep dark red as he positions himself, responding to the discipline his rider demands. "Stay with the wing, Pin, wait for it , wait for it..." Plateau of Paradise Hold> Lazeth dives on the thread, opening his mouth to spit a burst of flame out at the nearest clump. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Odeleth marks his jeweled gaze to the sky, an oozing, slithering thread plummeting towards his swinging side. "Odie. There!" Peet commands, immediately lkinked within her lifemate as he veers to the side. He cocked upwards, a deadly stream emits from his muzzle, it's aim perfect, it's target in plain view. Plateau of Paradise Hold> The thread shrivels and burns to dust under Odeleth's flame. But there is more, far more Thread to come. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A sheeting ribbon of thread tumbles on the winds towards Pintarryth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Pintarryth's neck, D'thon stabs a finger upward. "There! Take it, Pin!" he spits between grit teeth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A wingsecond and his dragon blink *between* as thread almost hits his wing. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth exhales a wave of molten flame! Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Hoth's neck, Tatianna adjusts in her seat and waits until she spies a clump of thread from way down here in the weyrling's wing. She keeps a close watch on Lazeth and K'ven as well on incoming thread. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Thread crackles and burns under the dragonfire. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A blue dives down from above, flaming thread in his path. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A ropy clot of thread sinks towards Hoth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A green dragon barely makes it ::between:: in time to avoid a clump of thread. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Leather glides dowm the steps from the seawall. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth wheels and twists to the right, rising into the midst of a cloud of thread, volcanic flames erupting from his maw! Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Lazeth's neck, K'ven says, "Tanya, watch out for that one!" Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Pintarryth's neck, D'thon curses as a sickly silver finger of thread closes in on him. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth winks into ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth blinks in from ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Pintarryth's neck, D'thon receives a slight score on the upper arm! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Hoth belches forth a grand, large flame, like he's practiced so many times! He deftly sears it, trumpeting wildly for his first scorching! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Stormcrest Wing slips into the flight, fierce flames immediately searing the thread from about them. B'ran calls to his half of the wing. "Tighten it and step by thirty degrees!" Just as huge clump is flamed by the sky in a crackle by his dragon. The green at his side scores a clot just about to take the wingleader's forestay tip. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Odeleth furls his suede-like wings to the chiseled edge of his chest, body tilted towards the thread's downward angle; whirling a violent crimson, his eyes mark the entrance of each thread, Peet's voice echoed outwards, while Odeleth's hits the dragons. "Standard V. " She shouts, her wing promptly responding. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Dharmath skips ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Dharmath bugles in powerfully from ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Selieth folds her wings and dives after a clump with alarming speed. Fire crackles from her muzzle as she angles her dive to miss the the heated ash of the eliminated Thread. Silent as a shadow, she returns to her position, scanning for more Prey. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Lazeth's neck, K'ven says, "Good job, Tanya, Hoth!" Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth snaps his wings back and plummets down onto the thread turning it into ash with his flames. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Lazeth warbles approvingly as his weyrlings make their first kill. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth swoops back upward to remain with the formation. Plateau of Paradise Hold> As the threadfall progresses, the density increases, making it harder to catch every incoming strand. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A hissing mass of thread slips towards Dharmath. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth ROARS! as he turns his head to sweep engulfing flames in a thread-killing fan to his right! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Lazeth dives on another clump, uttering a flaming roar as he attacks and burns the deadly threads. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Atop B'ran's beloved lifemate, B'ran skips to the side, flaming at the hissing thread. B'ran screams. "Take that!" He wipes his goggles and point. "Over there, Dharm!" Plateau of Paradise Hold> A large brown dragon bugles as a strand closes in on another dragon. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A writhing knot of thread plummets out of the sky towards Selieth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Hoth's neck, Tatianna sighs with relief and looks about just in time to spot another, "Go get it, Hoth!" she says, urging him on. He glides in on powerful wings, flame streaming out before him like a burning river as another clump is seared into oblivion. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Pintarryth's neck, D'thon shouts defiantly as more of the ancient enemy crackles to ashen dust in the hot breath of bronze Pintarryth! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Lounging between Odeleth's meridian neckridges, Pita collapses to the floor--a final mental caress sent towards her beloved lifemate Odeleth. She then drools. Yummy. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Dharmath sidles right, flaming at the hissing thread. B'ran screams. "Take that!" He wipes his goggles and point. "Over there, Dharm!" Plateau of Paradise Hold> Lounging between Odeleth's meridian neckridges, Awakening with a stifled yawn, Pita grins at Odeleth's mental touch; she then wipes the drool from her mouth and springs to his side. Yum. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Selieth hits the air brakes, checking her air speed to avoid the clump, a gout of flame eliminating the deadly menace. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A tangled mass of thread drops between the wings. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Sejith blinks in from ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Lazeth's neck, K'ven tosses more firestone to Lazeth, who catches it in his jaws and crunches carefully. Lazeth turns his head back and chases down another clump, flaming. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A rider yells something, but she can't make herself heard through the wind. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth starts to wheel to the left to chase a twisting falling clump of thread but D'thon turns him back as another dragon and rider swarm up from below on his left and incinerate the menace. Plateau of Paradise Hold> An unflamed clump of thread hisses down onto the land below, and begins to burrow. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Hoth's neck, Tatianna cries out suddenly, seeing thread way too close! Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Sejith's neck, T'rell salutes to the wingmate he replaces in formation, spelling the other. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Hoth skips ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> The sky above seems filled with silvery strands and windblown ash, as dragons continue to fight the thread. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Hoth flashes in, from ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> A long snaking filament of thread descends towards Sejith. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A weyrling wing slips in from ::between:: and begins to offer full sacks to the fighting wings. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Sejith gives a mighty push with broad, shimmering wings and closes on the Thread with a great bellow of fire. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth cants his head to one side and folds his huge leathery wings back against his sides in a loud *snap* as he propels himself ahead into a mass of writhing thread. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Selieth turns her head to Kitana for more 'stone, both keeping a sharp eye out for Thread too close. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Odeleth descends along the thread's path, elongated neck arched to watch all, see all, and /flame/ all. "Get 'em!" is the booming phrase of encouragement that Pita lets loose, fingers whiping the dusty soot from her goggles. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A tangled mass of thread tumbles towards Odeleth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A weyrling misses a bag toss, and the bag tumbles down to the earth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Lazeth's neck, K'ven scowls at the weyrling. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Hoth retakes his position by K'ven and Lazeth, looking for the next clump. He sees it, dives towards it, his body moving through the sky with ease. He opens his mouth, and a smallish flame shoots out, barely enough to destroy the thread. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Sejith's neck, T'rell wipes his goggles free of fresh ash, peering ahead through the wings to scan the territory. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth belches flaming death into the ugly snarl of deadly silvery thread. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Lazeth's neck, K'ven says, "More flame, Tanya! Feed him more stone! You need more flame!" Plateau of Paradise Hold> Lounging between Odeleth's meridian neckridges, Pita presses her entire form 'gainst Odeleth's meridian self. "Go Odie. Go!" she shouts, breath held as the blue prepares: an inward breath, the gathering of flame, and then -- a streaming gust of molten flame expunges from his mouth, it's destructive path leading straight for the thread. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A large chunk of thread drops towards Pintarryth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth back away for a moment, turning his head back to D'thon who smoothly feeds more of the firestone to the huge bronze. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Hoth's neck, Tatianna gasps and quickly reaches for her firestone bag, tossing chunks into Hoth'smouth. "That was close..." she mutters, willing hte dragon to crunch a little faster. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Dharmath swipes his tail just in time to miss being hit by a clump that B'ran's wingman flames to a cinders. B'ran curses, peering back with a nod to the rider, not that the blackened goggles and helmet give him the best vantage point. Dharmath singes another to sizzling cinders. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Selieth's neck, Kitana idly wonders if a sack of firestone drop on a Thread burrow would do as well as the ground crew as Selieth trumpets to one of her wingmates in warning of danger close at hand. The pair swoop up to destroy the patch as the other blinks between to avoid it. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Mnedzanth blinks in from ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Two dragons narrowly avoid collision as they dive at the same patch. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A silvery tendril of thread tumbles towards Selieth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Mnedzanth roars as he joins on a second wave. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Sejith dives, taking all the room that the formation will allow to chase an errant clump as he flames strongly. Ducking low on his neck, T'rell readies more firestone to replenish his mate's supply of intestinal gas. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A sheeting ribbon of thread tumbles towards Hoth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Selieth slips -=:Between:=- whisper silent, and vanishes from sight. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Selieth arrives from -=:Between:=- with the rumble of distant thunder. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth's eyes whirl with blood-red intensity as he pounds the air with his wings, taking his white-hot challenge back to the enemy from the skies. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Atop B'ran's beloved lifemate, B'ran calls out to his wingleader. "Your back!" **CRACKLE** Dharmath wipes out the thread with expertise. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Lazeth chases the clump that passed where Selieth was, flaming it to char before it can reach the ground. He bugles defiantly. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Mnedzanth slips into please next to Dharmath, bronze wings flapping mightily. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Flying specks of ask and firestone fill the air, scattered by dragons winggbeats. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Dharmath skips ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Hoth rumbles proudly and angles his shiny brown wings towards the next clump of thread. He flames well this time, bolstered by the extra stone. The thread crackles and blows away as harmless dust. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Dharmath bugles in powerfully from ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> A hissing mass of thread tumbles downwards towards Sejith. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Lazeth's neck, K'ven says, "Good, Tanya, much better!" Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Lazeth's neck, K'ven checks the other weyrlings, and shouts at one to get back in formation. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A jet of flame completely incinerates a huge clump of thread. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Sejith's neck, T'rell yelps as he tries to scoot his dragon sideways all by himself, a clump of thread falling fast right by the pair's right shoulders. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth blasts a wave of fire above Sejith to the thread menacing Sejith. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A silvery tendril of thread drops towards Mnedzanth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Sejith disappears ::between:: in an eyeblink. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A brown dragon flames a strand and disappears ::between!:: Plateau of Paradise Hold> Sejith reappears just as quickly, the danger passed. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Mnedzanth sideslips in the formation taking up position opposite from Dharmath. C'dar nods to B'dar as he takes up position. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Hoth's neck, Tatianna smiles proudly, giving Hoth a well-deserved thump on his side. She wipes the ash off quickly and gives K'ven a quick thumbs up before urging Hoth to take out another drifting pile of Thread. "Woohoo!" she shouts, really starting to get into it now! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth follows the mass of sickly thread downward, destroying it before it can reach pern and begin burrowing. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Sejith's neck, T'rell waves his thanks to D'thon, the pair winging back into strict formation. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A large chunk of thread falls towards Odeleth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Lounging between Odeleth's meridian neckridges, Pita watches her wing with a tedious scrutiny -- "L'is, /move/." she commands, her head twisted 'round her shoulder, or at least, ads far as possible; attention swerving towards the thread, she avoids a blue's wayward flame, her goggles steamed with the intense heat. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth and D'thon both let out an almost insane shout-roar of bloodlust as they rise back to join the wing. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Mnedzanth's neck, Jockeying into position, the Telgar bronze eyes the thread above and belches forth a great jet of flame. It disintegrates with a flash. Mnedzanth is eager. Plateau of Paradise Hold> The wing flies in perfect formation, completely covering the fall and letting nothing through. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A long snaking filament of thread plummets out of the sky towards Pintarryth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Selieth roars after a clump and folds one wing to a sharply angled dive. Flames incinerate Thread, the pair barely pulling up in time to avoid hot ash. Kitana scowls at Selieth, mentally telling her to knock off the stunt flying. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A knotted tangle of thread drops silently towards Mnedzanth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A small green dragon darts between two larger ones and catches thread with a blast of fire. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Hoth's neck, Tatianna yipes and calmly steers Hoth away from a green who's gotten slightly out of formation. "G'por!" she shouts out, trying to warn him off. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth rises to meet the descending thread, unmindful of risk, shooting immense waves of fire deep into the thread as it hurtles toward him. Plateau of Paradise Hold> The threads wither to nothing under the deadly dragonfire. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A delicate spiderweb of thread cascades downwards towards Selieth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Mnedzanth sideslips left, turning his opening maw towards the silvery tangle and puffs a quick burst of flame, igniting the knot. It falls, burning, another few feet before withering away completely into ash upon the wind. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A silvery clump of thread sinks in deadly silence towards Hoth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Odeleth yodels fiercly, his sound echoed thro' the surrounding air. By a wingtip, he misses a green's flame, his own immediately jut upwards, seering the destructive mass into a dusty clump. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A blue dragon swoops underneath the formation to catch a thread missed by others before it can reach the ground. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Sejith rises on an upward current of air, gliding effortlessly as they follow the leading edge. His timing impeccable, he steadily intercepts the clumps as they fall before him into ash. On his neck, T'rell ducks low, the moist spring air causing the ash to stick to his goggles and clothing until he appears a grey lump more than a rider. Of course, that's mostly normal, for him. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Hoth keeps the flames going, charring clumps of thread one after another, leaving behind only whispy black dust. He drops back a bit and turns his massive head around for another stone refill. With a shout, Tanya looks up and... Plateau of Paradise Hold> Hoth skips ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Hoth flashes in, from ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Above, a young green shrieks in agony as thread catches her wing. She vanishes *between* to cool the threadfire. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Stormcrest follows the lilt of the wind toward a heavier edge. A call is heard, "Right Wing down, tighten and step back to front!" Immediately the dragons switch places, flaming as the go the tangled mess of thread before them. A Blue screams out a chilling call. B'ran calls, "Get out of there, T'quoise! G'tar, go with him!" Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth lets out a deafening roar as both dragon and rider look for new targets. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A silvery clump of thread tumbles downwards between the wings. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A young gold wheels around to let her rider catch an incoming thread. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Sejith rises quickly to intercept the remains of the clump which scored the young green, giving the foe an extra-large dose of dragonfire. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A long white tendril of thread sinks towards Mnedzanth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Selieth dives after the clump that slipped through, flaming the Thread to extinction before angling back up to her place in the formation. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Two dragons flame in unison, completely obliterating a clump between them. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Selieth skips ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Hoth's neck, Tatianna breathes a sigh of relief and finishes feeding crunchy stones to Hoth. They dive again, Hoth's swiftly swirling, orange-tinged eyes seeking out thread. Another one is spotted and soon turned into another crispy whist of black soot. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Odeleth skips ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> A long white tendril of thread slips towards Dharmath. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Selieth arrives from -=:Between:=- with the rumble of distant thunder. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Odeleth materializes from the frigid nothingness of -~Between~- his yodel booming about as meridian wings pound against the wind. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Mnedzanth's neck, Folding his wings slightly, Mnedzanth drops a few meters to allow a green in his wing to croos over and flame the Thread menacing him. Bugling a brother call, he catches another stray piece of the silvery death with a narrow jet behind the passing sister. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth changes to an intense focus and emits a surgical blast of acid-fire into a long thin finger of thread. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth turns his head back as D'thon stokes him with firestone and then flings the empty sack to a weyrling flying below. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A long white tendril of thread falls towards Sejith. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Dharmath sears the tendril to a crackling crisp and takes the other that almost got the wingleader as well. "This is nasty today," B'ran yells. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A knotted tangle of thread tumbles on the winds towards Selieth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> As a brown dragon disappears ::between:: as it is hit, a green manages to catch the rest of the clump it missed. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Sejith quickly swallows the lump of firestone and extends his neck to belch out a great flame at the tendril, crisping it nicely. Mmm. Crispy outside, moist and chewy inside... whoops, overdone. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Hoth's neck, Tatianna accidentally inhales some dust and bgins coughing. "Ouch! That's hot!" she says, asking Hoth to flame another clump with some vague notion of revenge. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A green rider yells a warning as an unseen patch approaches another dragon. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Selieth flames at a clump nearing her, dropping a bit to avoid the clumps as well. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Pintarryth's neck, D'thon twists in his seat to cast his good right eye on the dragons to his left as he reassesses Pintarryth's position within the wing. Pintarryth slides back over to the right into place. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Mnedzanth's neck, Responding to Wingleader direction, C'dar moves his dragon closer to B'ran and the heavier edge, placing a second bronze against the raning thread. Searing a small clump that snuck past a tiring blue, Mnedzanth turns backward for his rider to stoke the fires. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth skips ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth blinks in from ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Lounging between Odeleth's meridian neckridges, Pita squirms restlessly within the charcoal, soot-covered edge of Odeleth. With one hand, she whipes at her goggles, a nonchalant look spared to her wing; Wavecutter, they fly as one, their wings solid in unison as an entire unit of flame sears across the sky. "Good, M'an." "Over to the left, G'uy." Pita supports. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A sheeting ribbon of thread cascades downwards towards Odeleth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth blasts down upon the thread that so nearly surprised his rider! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Ash scatters as a huge clump is hit with flame. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Atop B'ran's beloved lifemate, B'ran gives a thumbs up to C'dar, just before Dharmath twists up and flames a long thin tendril into nothing. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A thin strand of thread slips a little too close to Sejith. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Sejith's neck, T'rell receives a slight score on the foot! Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Hoth's neck, Tatianna loads a fe more stones into Hoth's mouth during a slight lull in the action, to make sure he'll be ready for the next patch. And speak of the thread, there it is! The extra-large brown dragon furls his wings slightly to dip down towards a pesky little patch and belches out a nice, controlled flame. Just enough to kill, yet not so much as to be wasteful. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A new dragon flames his first patch of thread, and his rider grins proudly. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Lounging between Odeleth's meridian neckridges, Pita eyes the plummetting clump, anger filling her voice -- "Get it, Odie, Get it!" The blue, upon command, angles his flame to the clump, muzzle pulled back as her turns to his rider. More firestone, like, now. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Sejith's neck, T'rell takes a big lump of firestone from his sack as his dragon rises to meet the Thread; caught unawares, he suddenly yells really awful things as his dragon takes him :between:. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Sejith skips ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Sejith blinks in from ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Lazeth dives at a patch ahead of him, burning it to dust under his deadly flame. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Mnedzanth munches on the firestone and spits a test jet. Plateau of Paradise Hold> As a dragon disappears ::between::, another moves over in the formation to cover for her. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A knotted tangle of thread tumbles downwards towards Hoth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Sejith's neck, T'rell ducks down close to his dragon's neck, breathing hard as his fingers work at the freeze-dried thread that decided it had the same shoe size; Sejith, meanwhile, takes care of the immediate work at hand by flaming furiously, his eyes whirling a bright orange-yellow. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A hissing mass of thread cascades downwards towards Pintarryth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth joins his flame with the flames of two other dragons as they combine to incinerate a large sheet of descending thread. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A delicate spiderweb of thread plummets out of the sky towards Selieth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Dharmath whips to the left for a huge clump, but he can't get all of it and bugles to the bronze at his wing, only to face another clump close on the heels of the first. "Tighten up! It's getting thicker!" B'ran calls out to his half of the wing. A glance to the right shows him the right wing follows suit. The Stormcrest wingleader lifts the higher signal, and the wing follows. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Hoth's neck, Tatianna points for Hoth, "Up there!" barely leaves her lips before Hoth thrusts his wings down hard, propelling himself up higher in the air. He breathes out a large and wide flame, totally incinerating the clump. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Selieth yelps a warning cry to her lifemate, and the dragon veers to one side, away from the menace. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Selieth's neck, Kitana receives a slight score on the thigh! Plateau of Paradise Hold> A bronze dragon trumpets alarm and disappears ::between!:: Plateau of Paradise Hold> Mnedzanth responds to Dharmath's call and lets loose with a broad burst of flame, backing the bronze's power with his own. He falls back slightly, afterwards, keeping formation -- but tightly. Flame jets forth time after time against the heavy sheet. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Selieth's neck, Kitana cries out in pain, hand covering her leg suddenly. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Selieth skips ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> A silvery clump of thread falls towards Sejith. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Sejith's neck, T'rell holds tightly to his fighting straps -- probably the first time he's actually forgiven the durn things for his having to make them. "How's your flame holding out?" he yells hoarsely to his dragon. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Selieth arrives from -=:Between:=- with the rumble of distant thunder. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A knotted tangle of thread descends towards Mnedzanth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A green and a blue both go for the same patch of thread, and the green quickly dodges as she sees the other dragon. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Hoth's neck, Tatianna hears another rider cry out and takes in another deep breath.. and quickly chokes on more dust. "Sharding thread!" she grumbles, and cheers happily as said thread is burnt into itty-bitty little black bits. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth wheels toward Sejith and lets loose an enormous burst of flame at the threat above the other dragon. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A brown backwings to flame a large clump of thread. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Mnedzanth tightens closer to Dharmath as G'tar rejoins the wing. A great thrust pushes him above the plane of the wing briefly to ignite the knotted tangle... a second burst blows the tangle into a burst of ash which flaps against C'dar. Carefully he slips back down into formation between B'ran and G'tar. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Sejith gives a great belch, his flame beginning to trickle as his firestone-stoked belly is almost empty. He turns his head, his rider fumbling for more stone. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Pintarryth's neck, D'thon yells out, "Look out, T'rell! There's more!" Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Mnedzanth's neck, C'dar coughs slightly, thumping his dragon's neck reasssuringly. Plateau of Paradise Hold> The threads dissipate, as the fall nears an ending. A few last strands drift down towards the wings, only to quickly be incinerated... Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Sejith's neck, T'rell waves up to D'thon an 'Ok', and gets his dragon more stone, and quick. Plateau of Paradise Hold> A knotted tangle of thread tumbles towards Odeleth. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Odeleth spins thro' the thernmals, rising further and further upwards. "M'over, get to the left of me. Now!" Pita shouts, her voice sharp and cloud despite the surrounding havoc; Odeleth, on the other hand, deftly maneuvers, for a moment, his flame matching it's mark with an enormous bellow of flame and soot. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Sejith chews and swallows, the fortification just enough to bolster his flame at the rest of the approaching clump. It's toast. Literally. Heh. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth turns his head to let a final blast loose upon a straggler tendril of thread, easily turning it to harmless ash. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Hoth wearily flames again, the orange fingers flicking viciously at the Thread, shredding it as if it were a 400-Turn-old record. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Mnedzanth's neck, C'dar calls warning to B'ran as a lone thread slides near him. Plateau of Paradise Hold> The last strands are quickly charred, and suddenly the sky is clear. The wings utter a bugle of triumph. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Dharmath bugles to Mnedzanth as he rejoins and takes out a tangled clump that threatens his wing. With a tightening to the wingleader, the dragon's huge wings pump more powerfully toward the oncoming onslaught of thread just ahead. B'ran curses again and quickly wipes his goggles. "Sheet ahead!" Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Pintarryth's neck, D'thon says, "Yes!" Plateau of Paradise Hold> Selieth rumbles in wearied defiance at the Thread, exhaling what flame she's left inside. Kitana thumps her shoulder. "You did good, Seli love." Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Pintarryth's neck, D'thon says, "No sheet!" Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Sejith's neck, T'rell sits up straighter on his dragon's neck as he starts to get used to the searing pain along his left ankle. He waves across to a Weyrling, flapping an empty firestone sack in the wind as a (rather obvious) signal. Luckily, he's got a second sack which he quickly dumps into his dragon's awaiting maw. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Lazeth utters a last jet of flame, and bugles triumphantly. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Odeleth lurks about, devilish intent evident as he evaporates into the frigid nothingness of -~Between~- Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Mnedzanth's neck, Stormcrest's leader calls the wing up short as the thread moves out to sea, falling harmlessly to the water. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Pintarryth's neck, D'thon winces and runs his right hand along his scored left upper arm. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Sejith's neck, T'rell suddenly notices the change in atmosphere. "Guess I don't need that other sack after all," he tells himself and his dragon. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Pintarryth's neck, D'thon turns from side to side looking carefully over as much of Pintarryht as he can see from here. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Lazeth's neck, K'ven waves his weyrling wing. "Back to the Weyr!" Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Hoth's neck, Tatianna nods to K'ven, wiping her goggles again. "Okay!" Plateau of Paradise Hold> Sejith moves to regroup with the Wavecutter wing, soaring gracefully but with a bit of fatigue. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Dharmath rips through the last sheet and calms his strokes as the thread disappears. B'ran calls out. "Good job, Stormcrest!" An added salute is given C'dar. Saved his butt more than once today. Called up short, left wing slows. "Left wing standard v !" Dharmath repositions. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Lazeth winks into ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Pintarryth's neck, D'thon tosses a salute to T'rell, his fellow Wavecutter. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Mnedzanth's neck, C'dar awaits the Stormcrest signal to return. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Pintarryth glides to Plateau of Paradise Hold. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Selieth slips -=:Between:=- whisper silent, and vanishes from sight. Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Hoth's neck, Tatianna waves, taking hoth between! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Hoth sweeps away, into ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Sejith glides to Plateau of Paradise Hold. Plateau of Paradise Hold> Stormcrest wingleader gives the wrap up signal and slips into ::between:: Plateau of Paradise Hold> Dharmath soars powerfully toward the horizon and winks into ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> Mnedzanth winks into ::between::! Plateau of Paradise Hold> From Sejith's neck, T'rell glides in, flying a low check for burrows.